StickMan Cartoon Balance
Hot Games
View moreStickMan Cartoon Balance is a skill game that requires players to come up with a perfect strategy. The game revolves around stickmen, with the player assuming the role of a professional goods collector. Initially, the player will control a stickman running on a road filled with goods and coins, but also encountering indispensable obstacles arranged awkwardly. How can the stickman gather an abundance of goods and coins without becoming trapped in the barriers? That is a rather difficult question, as the next levels of the game have more and more obstacles. Another thing that makes the player wary is that all the goods you collect during the run are likely to fall in the middle of the road if you move too fast. So be careful! The game brings extremely fun experiences and leaves an impression on those who love stickman games. You will have the opportunity to try your hand at countless levels and upgrade your shopping cart. Play now and experience this fun space!
Some tips for playing the game
- Pay attention to collecting more goods because the coins you earn from goods are more valuable.
- Move slowly when you have collected more goods.
- Use coins to upgrade the cargo truck.
- Try to collect more coins during the run.
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